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Awards for DCAMI@CVPR is announced on our website! We would like to thanks all the speakers, authors, presenters and attendees for making this event such a success!


DCAMI@CVPR is now only 3 days away! See you soon!


List of accepted papers and oral selections are now available on our website.


Workshop Program Schedule and Panelists’ Bios are now available on our website.


Camera-ready instructions for Track 2 & 3 and poster information for all tracks are now available.


We have updated our Q&A section to provide clearer instructions regarding the submission of camera-ready papers for track 1. Please check our Call for Papers page for more information.


For Track 1 accepted authors, instructions to archive the camera-ready paper are available at:

The deadline for submission and copyright transfer is April 14. Mark the date!


Decisions for Track 1 are out on OpenReview! Congratulations to all authors of accepted submissions, we are looking forward to seeing and discussing your papers in Seattle! Overall, the acceptance rate was 47%. Additionally, 14% of submissions were rejected from Track 1 but offered acceptance for Track 2 (non-archival).


All our paper submission portals (Track 1,2 and 3) are officially closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted their work. We’ll be providing updates on our review status soon. Check out Important dates and stay tuned for more information!


Our Track 1 (archival) submission portal is now officially closed. A huge thank you to everyone who submitted their work. Stay tuned to our Track 1 decision notifications on 04/07/2024.

Our Track 2 & 3 (non-archival) submission portals remain open until 03/31/2024. Check out Important dates pages for more info.


We want to say thank you to CeTI, Hutom, and Intuitive Surgical for their generous funding support, which has been instrumental in driving our program initiatives and strengthen our communty connection. A huge round of applause to our sponsors!


We have extended the submission deadline for Track 1 (archival) from March 17 to March 22, 2024!


Both archival and non-archival options for paper submissions are supported. Check the Call for Papers and Important dates pages for more information.


Submission portal is now open!


Submission dates have been announced!


Call for Papers is up now!